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  1. How can we set up recurring donations through Pay Pal? I can only get single donations.

    1. I just set it up! Thanks and sorry for the wait.

  2. What's the contact info for shipping. I ordered off the website and cant find a contact address. I want to make sure it was shipped. Thank you.

    1. If you ever have an issue with shipping or to ask if something was sent, just shoot me an email.

  3. I met a brother the other day who had one of your lapel pins. I have only been raised for about 4 months now but I love your podcast. He told me that he got the pin from you because he made a donation. I'd like to donate and receive a lapel pin as well! What contribution do you require? I'm a just a poor graduate student but I'll do my best!

    1. I know I am replying super late in the game, but I wanted to say THANK YOU for the kind words. I am humbled to have been a part of your Masonic journey.

  4. To expand the odds of future blessings, joining your enrollment, yearly endowments even bequest blessings - you ought to send the contributor a speedy email (or snail mail) letting him/her realize that you acknowledge what they simply did.

  5. In any case, you definitely realized that-you realize that individuals should be enlivened by your work before they'll click that give catch. Donation letter


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